Periodontal Care
If you’re experiencing bleeding or swelling in your gums, a bad taste in your mouth, or loose teeth, you could be displaying signs of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is a serious condition in which the tissues surrounding the teeth become infected with bacteria. It is a leading cause of tooth loss. In addition, as the infection spreads to other organs, it has been shown to lead to other health complications such as heart disease, strokes, diabetes, premature birth, kidney damage and others.
What causes periodontal disease?
Periodontal disease is caused by the buildup of harmful bacteria on your teeth, gums, tongue and tonsils. There are natural bacteria that live in your mouth, producing acid as a result. This acid is otherwise known as “plaque” when it’s on the teeth and a “biofilm” when it’s on other tissues. Once the plaque hardens it turns into tartar. Tartar attaches to your teeth above and below the gumline and can only be removed by the dental team. When tartar and plaque are not removed from your teeth, they can cause damage to the gums, bones and ligaments that connect your teeth.
Treatment for Periodontal Disease
If you have periodontal disease, you may require one or more methods of treatment. Our goal is to help you control the infection and lessen the damage of the disease.
We provide HR5 Saliva Pathogen Testing by Direct Diagnostics! Did you know that your oral health has a major impact on the rest of your body and your overall health? Science has proven that oral infection can cause a number of systemic diseases including diabetes, low birth weight, heart disease, and neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s and dementia. The good news is that if the proper steps are taken, oral disease can be prevented. Thanks to advanced screening methods like the HR5 High-Risk Pathogen Test, our Fairfield dental practice can easily identify and target harmful bacteria, thus significantly reducing the risk of oral disease.
As a health-centered and wellness focused Dentist, my team and I operate from the objective of treating the whole person and not just the symptoms of dental disease. I passionately believe that good oral health is key to preventing systemic disease. I’m excited to bring this innovation to our office and to be able to offer HR5 Testing as part of our comprehensive dental services.
Pathogenic Oral Bacteria & Their Impact on Systemic Health
Researchers estimate that about 700 different species of bacteria inhabit the human mouth. For many of us, the word “bacteria” carries a negative connotation, but in reality, not all oral bacteria are harmful. In fact, most of them are good for you and help protect your teeth and gums, keep your breath smelling fresh, and assist with the digestive process.
That being said, there are some “bad guys” that you should be aware of. Scientists can now name the top five most dangerous species of oral bacteria that are the most pathogenic and likely to cause systemic diseases. Together, these five species of bacteria (Aa, Pg, Tf, Td, Fn) are known collectively as the “Red Complex bacteria plus Fn.”
Because of their detrimental impact on the body’s crucial organs and tissues, these bacteria have been labeled “high-risk”. Their presence has been linked to several chronic and debilitating diseases including:
• alveolar bone loss
• severe periodontal disease
• dental implant failure
• heart disease
• stroke
• diabetes
• neurological disease
• preterm birth
• fetal death
• cancer
The good news is, that we now have tests that can help detect these five high-risk bacteria. What’s more, the process for doing so is fairly simple and affordable. All that’s required is a simple saliva test.
Detecting Oral Pathogens with HR5 Saliva Testing
HR5 High Risk Pathogen Test is a minimally invasive, advanced oral pathogen test that I use to assess my patients’ oral bacteria profiles. The protocol involves using saliva analysis to determine if any “high risk” bacteria are present above threshold levels.
First, you and I will briefly discuss your medical and oral health history. Then, I’ll take a small 1ml saliva sample. The sample is placed in a sealed container and sent to our partner laboratory to be evaluated. In less than 48 hours, the results are returned so that we can review them together. What we discover will help inform our next steps and tell us what kind of treatment you may need.
Accuracy & Benefits for Our Patients
The HR5 Test is the most accurate method available today for analyzing bacteria in saliva, with the lowest limit of detection. It has been verified by the Yale School of Public Health to demonstrate 100% accuracy with zero discrepancies.
Early diagnosis and intervention contribute significantly to the success of dental treatment. With the HR5 Test, my team and I can effectively identify low-grade infections long before visual symptoms are present.
Accuracy is also important for treatment outcomes. Once we know specifically which species of bacteria we’re dealing with, we can be more effective and precise in our approach. Essentially, we create an individualized treatment plan for our patients that allows them to maintain good oral health and keep pathogen levels low.
Last but not least, HR5 Testing is relatively inexpensive, especially when you compare it to the cost of dentures or full mouth reconstruction. If dental disease is left untreated, it can progress quickly and lead to more costly, invasive procedures. By offering this affordable preventative treatment, we are able to reduce the cost of dentistry to our patients over their lifetime.
Contact My Office for HR5 Testing in Fairfield
Don’t let dental disease catch you by surprise. With a quick, low-cost saliva test, you can easily determine if harmful pathogens are present in your oral bacteria profile. Simply call my office at (513) 829-2026 today to schedule an appointment for HR5 Testing. Together, we can create an individualized plan that allows you to reach your dental health goals and achieve true holistic wellness.
Periodontal Care Message from Dr. Howard B. Dean, DDS
My team and I have extensive experience in providing exceptional periodontal care services and getting to the root cause of oral health afflictions of all types. Together, we can restore your dental health and help you achieve true holistic wellness. My team and I are committed to providing exceptional biologic dental care and empowering our patients with information about their dental health and wellness. I encourage you to contact my office at (513) 829-2026 and schedule an appointment. I provide Minimally-Invasive Biologic & Holistic Dentistry, BioRejuvenation Dentistry, TMJ/TMD Therapy & Facial Pain Relief, General Dentistry, Family Dentistry, Periodontal Care, Dental Implants, Senior Dentistry, and Cosmetic Dentistry including porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, and ClearCorrect aligners. We are always welcoming new patients to our dental practice in Fairfield, and many of our patients come to us from West Chester, Hamilton, Cincinnati, Dayton, and other surrounding communities for my specialized care.